Amma mata
Amma mata

amma mata


The inner eye, or the eye of true knowledge, can only be opened by a real Master.”Īmma: “The Lord prescribed that for a life free from sorrow. All duality disappears and you behold the oneness of creation, the whole universe. This means that even while you are seeing everything with both your eyes, you should not see the dual world. The two eyes that you have now should become one, only then can you see God. To experience it, you need to develop a new eye, the inner, or third eye. “You cannot experience the state of God-consciousness through your mere senses or through the scriptures that you have learned. By diligently performing each action with an attitude of love, dedication and self-surrender, he can attain perfection.” Needless to say, the dentist should stick to his own job. It would be dangerous for both him and his patients if he tried to do something which he is not qualified to do.

amma mata

We should never try to adopt someone else’s dharma, for that would be as dangerous as it would be if a dentist were to act as a cardiologist and treat someone afflicted with heart disease. “We should try to live according to our own dharma. The commentary of Sri Krishna’s life is Bhagavad Gita.” “Honey and its sweetness are not two. Similarly, the Guru and his words, Sri Krishna and his words are not two  they are one. If you can change the mindset (मनःस्थिति ), the external circumstances (परिस्थिति ) also will change. Sri Krishna is asking to change Arjuna’s the mindset (मनःस्थिति ) not the external circumstances (परिस्थिति ). When we do every action as a worship, it becomes a Yagna.” “Daksha Prajapati conducted Yagna, it became a war, Arjuna participated in a war, it became a Yagna. The Gita helps us to realize our true Self. How can you experience peace and happiness right now, right here? Nor is it asking us to strive to attain heaven after we die. Who is sitting up in the sky on a golden throne. “The Gita is not asking us to worship a God This will finally lead you to the state of Perfection, the state of Self-Realization. As you proceed with diligence, you will attain more clarity of mind and a deeper understanding. You will then gradually gain mental purity and devotion. Simply do what needs to be done but at the same time, don’t miss the opportunities you come across to perform unselfish actions. Always remember that you have a higher goal to attain. Do your actions in the world, without forgetting that your final goal in life is to break out of all bondage and limitations. No one becomes pure and selfless overnight it involves time and concentrated effort coupled with tremendous patience and love. Everyone is constantly engaged in some form of action this is an unchangeable law of nature. “One cannot live without being active in some way, whether physically, mentally, or intellectually. The commentary of upon Sri Krishna’s life is Bhagavad Gita. Similarly, the Guru and his words, Sri Krishna and his words are not two, they are one. One learns Ramayana is to become Sri Rama” “One learns Bhagavad Gita is to become Sri Krishna. The Gita helps us to realise our true Self.” ‘How can you experience peace and happiness right now, right here?’ That is what Gita is showing us.

amma mata

“The Gita is not asking us to worship a God who is sitting up in the sky on a golden throne. Her Moola Mantra is “लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु ” May All beings of All the Worlds be Happy. Her teachings of love and compassion have inspired thousands to come and embrace life of service and sacrifice. Amma says Her religion is love, and She accepts people of all races, faiths and beliefs. To her spirituality is the art of retaining mental equipoise in all situations in life, seeing the divine in one and all and serving the world accordingly. While Amma abides in the height of God Realisation, she teaches the spiritual truths in a simple manner that everyone can understand. This Gita camp is organised with the blessings of Amma, Satguru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, who inspires us through Her life and teachings of LOVE to achieve great heights in life.

Amma mata